TIGER 2013 Workshop, 21-22 October, Tunis
The TIGER workshop 2013 aims to present the achievements of the different TIGER components namely the TCBF, the pre-operational TIGER-Net project and the Alcantara research fellowships. Building on its achievements in the last ten years, we aim at identifying the main strengths and weaknesses of the TIGER initiative and preparing the basis for future activities.The workshop is open to all interested stakeholders. The participant list will include, among others:
- The scientists and water experts involved in the TIGER Research projects and the Regional Offices;
- African water authorities, who are already active partners in TIGER or are interest to join;
- Water experts, scientists and decision makers interested in EO technology for water resource management and related research as well as capacity building opportunities;
- International organisations and development partners actively involved or collaborating with TIGER
The Registration deadline was September 20, 2013
Workshop programme
More information Tiger Workshop 2013 Announcement.pdf
Workshop presentations
DAY-1 21 October 2013
Opening Session Chair: H. Trebossen
Welcome Address & OSS introduction K. Kherraz, Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel (OSS)
ESA programmes and Satellites for Water Management M. Doherty, European Space Agency (ESA)
Welcome Address & Tunisian Environmental programmes State Secretary of Environment
International Water initiatives & TIGER partners Chairs: C. Ngangoue - B. Koetz
Capacity Building on Water Sector in Africa C. Ngangoue, AMCOW
Water Resources Management in Aftrica: ECA Perspective A. Nonguierma, UN-ECA
Cap-Net: Global Network for Capacity Development in Sustainable Water Resources Management I. Gunawardana, UNDP Cap-Net
UNESCO.s International Hydrological Programme (IHP) in Africa B. Imam, UNESCO
RAMSAR wetland monitoring - GlobWetland-Africa P. Ouedraogo, RAMSAR Secretariat
World Bank activities in the African water sector E. Foster-Moore - M. Wijnen, The World Bank
African Water Facility Strategic Plan M. D. Verdeil, African Development Bank
Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sectorE. Mino, EMWIS
GEOSS Water StrategyD. Cripe, GEO secretariat
TIGER initiative & tools Chairs: A. Nonguierma - F. Palazzo
10 years of TIGER Looking After Water in Africa: Achievements & Future Planning B. Koetz, ESA
TIGER Capacity Building & Research activitiesZ. Vekerdy, ITC
The TIGER Water Observation Information System A. Walli, Geoville
TIGER Development: River Basin Water Management Chairs: C. Rajah - A. van Lieshout
Lake Chad Water And Environmental Observatory Systems M. Bila, Lake Chad Basin Commission
Nile river water management E. Getahun, Nile Basin Initiative
Sustainable Water Use And Allocation In The Volta Basin S. Dene, Volta Basin Authority
Application of a satellite based rainfall-runoff model: A case study of the trans boundary Cuvelai basin in Southern Africa P. Mufeti, Hydrological Services Namibia
DAY-2 22 October 2013
TIGER Research: IWRM Chairs: B. Imam - J.D. Silva
EO data for the exploration and support the optimal management of water in the Doukkala region (western Morocco) * K. Labbassi -N. Akdim*, Universite Chouaib Doukkali - El Jadida
EO in Groundwater Resources Assessment of Ewaso Nyiro North Catchment Area, Kenya: Achievements and Future Planning M. Gichaba, University of Nairobi
Contribution to water resources management and climate change adaptation using remote sensing data and land surface modeling: towards a national water resources information platform in MoroccoS. Sefiani, Centre Royal De Teledetection Spatiale (CRTS)
Water reservoir mapping, Ghana * F. Annor *, Delft University of Technology
Guiers Lake Integrated Water Resources Management (Gliwarm) S. Wade, University Cheikh Anta Diop
TIGER Research: Water Quality Chairs: P. Mangara - Z. Vekerdy
Development Of An Operational System For Monitoring And Predicting The Aqu
Impact of climate change on the water quality of coastal lakes in Egypt * H. Farag *, Environment And Climate Research Institute (ECRI)
Enhancing the Sediment Transport Modeling in The Nile Basin Reservoirs M. Ali, Nile Research Institute
Hydrological And Environmental Aspects Of Wetlands In The Nile Basin (Analytical Tools For Wetlands Management) * A. Azab - J. O. Mtamba *, GIS & Modelling Research Cluster (NBCBN-RE)
TIGER Research: Climate Change Chairs: E. Foster-Moore - M. Menenti
Supporting Forest Biomass Estimation P. Rahalagala National Environment Office
Earth Observation for Regional Water Balance Estimation and Surface Energy Balance Assessment in the Volta Basin, West Africa A. Agyapong, Council for Scientific & Industrial Research
Land Surface Temperature and Evapotranspiration Estimation using Remote Sensing: Case Study of Kolondieba-Tiendaga Basin A. Mariko, Ecole Nationale D'ingenieurs Abderhamane Baba Toure
Potential Vulnerability Of The Saloum And Casamance Estuary Systems: Implication Of Climate Change N. M. Dieng, University Cheikh Anta Diop
Flood Mitigation in urban environment using Earth Observation data: a study case in Kinshasa/DRC M. Faka, Ministere De L'Environnement, DR Congo
Programme To Develop Capacity In IWRM In Zambia * K. Banda - J. Kampata *,UNZA IWRM CENTRE, University Of Zambia
Integrated management of water and forest resources in Burkina Faso, West Africa: which strategy to reinforce results? C. W. Poda, IUCN-Burkina Faso
Round Table: Needs and Challenges of the African Water Sector Moderator: A. Nonguierma, UN-ECA
Panel: M. Bila, LCBC - H. Trebossen, OSS - C. Ngangoue, AMCOW - C. Rajah, DWA South Africa - M. Wijnen, The World Bank
Round Table Report