ESA Tiger > EO Services > WOIS

The TIGER Water Observation Information System (WOIS)


The open-source Water Observation and Information System (WOIS) aims to enable African water authorities the production and application of a range of satellite earth observation based information products needed for Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in Africa.

The Product portfolio generated by the WOIS with the support of several Africal Water authorities can be seen here

The WOIS is available freely to any interested user pending a short registration.

To download the WOIS, please register here


The WOIS was developed within the TIGER initiative as part of the TIGER-NET project in a close collaboration with several African transboundary and national water authorities, which provided input on the specifications, tested and demonstrated the use of the WOIS. Additional information about the WOIS can be found in this article. The WOIS is also available on Github.


Lake Chad Basin Commission Hydrological Division Namibian Ministry of Agriculture Nile Basin Initiative South Africa Department Water Affairs Volta Basin Authority
ZAMCOM METTELSAT Republic of Zambia
































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