3d TIGER Training Course, 20-24 June 2011, The Netherlands
The third TIGER training course was organized from 20-24 June 2011 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
The goal of this training course was to provide an overview of the principles and advanced techniques of active and passive microwave remote sensing with focus on water water-related applications for the representatives of the TIGER projects as well as of the regional offices in Africa. The target audience was expected to be already familiar with the principles of optical remote sensing, and to be actively involved in the execution of the TIGER project.
The learning objective of the course was to enable the participants to:
Describe scattering physics and the working principle of synthetic aperture radar;
Describe the principles of microwave radiometry and soil moisture estimation;
Visualize SAR images and perform the basic pre-processing steps;
Map inland water bodies using SAR images;
Generate DTMs using InSAR techniques;
Visualize SMOS data and assess the soil moisture content.
Based on the above learning objectives a programme was composed consisting of lectures and exercises. The lectures were to lay the theoretical basis, and the purpose of the exercises was not only to support and illustrate the theory but also to give hands-on experience with ESA remote sensing products, as these will be used primarily in the TIGER projects.