TIGER II Training Course in Cairo
Within the framework of Tiger Capacity Building Facility II launched by European Space Agency the first training course on .Basics of Remote Sensing. will take place from 25-29 April at the Regional Center for Training and Water Studies (RCTWS) in Cairo, Egypt. The goal of this training course is to provide an overview of the basic principles and techniques of remote sensing for researchers, students and professionals involved in earth observation in Africa. The course is organised by the Tiger consortium partner Delft University of Technology in conjunction with the Nile Basin Capacity Building Network as the local organiser.
The training course combines lectures and exercises in a 5-day program, which covers earth observation principles, satellites, sensors, and in particular ESA missions, data and tools. The participants will also learn basic image processing techniques, such as radiometric enhancement, geometric correction, classification and change detection, and become acquainted with ESA software tools and resources through hands-on exercises.