TIGER Executive Bureau: Invitation to Tender (deadline: 25 July 2006)
In order to reinforce the African ownership of the TIGER initiative and to coordinate and support its execution, the European Space Agency (ESA) has just released an Invitation To Tender (ITT) for the creation of a TIGER Executive Bureau in Africa.
In June 2005 the TIGER Steering Committee agreed to create a TIGER Executive Bureau to be set up in Africa and in February 2006 African Institutions and International Organisations operating in Africa were invited to submit proposals for suitable office space to host the TIGER Executive Bureau. Received proposals were evaluated by the Tiger Steering Committee and it was decided that the Executive Bureau will be hosted by UNESCO in its premises in Nairobi, Kenya.
The Executive Bureau funded by ESA and hosted by UNESCO in Nairobi will be responsible for coordinating, monitoring and supporting the execution of the TIGER Implementation Plan and shall be operated by a 2-person team during 3 consecutive years.
The maximum budget for the TIGER Executive Bureau is 300,000 Euros for 3 years.
An ESA Tender Evaluation Board will take care of the selection.
Due to administrative reasons, the Bureau should be supported by an independent administrative body in Europe or Canada. This can be a company, a technical or research centre, an NGO or an international organisation that will support the bureau with administrative matters and contractual issues with ESA.
Therefore, proposals shall be prepared and submitted by teams involving partnerships between African candidates to staff the Bureau and an independent administrative body (e.g., companies, technical centres, international organisations, NGOs) from Europe or Canada.
In this context, we strongly encourage all our African partners that may be interested in this call to contact and make partnerships with European or Canadian companies, universities or other institutions to prepare proposals.
At the same time, we would like to encourage European and Canadian companies, technical centres or international organisations willing to support the Bureau as an independent administrative body to prepare and submit proposals in partnership with interested African candidates to staff the Bureau.
In order to facilitate contacts, we invite candidates to consult the web pages below where you can find
a list of companies in Europe and Canada that participates in our EO exploitation programmes
a list of African teams participating to the TIGER initiative:
DUE http://due.esrin.esa.int/companies.asp
TIGER Research Component http://www.tiger.esa.int/projectlist.asp?by=sup
The Invitation to Tender (ID 4870), deadline 25 July 2006, can be found on ESA Electronic Mail Invitation to Tender System (EMITS), at the address:
Download the tender documentation (in english):
Special Conditions to Tender, 75 Kb
Download the tender documentation (in french):